
Join Options

If you would like to pay for your membership online, click on the above button to register. After registering, click on the following button to pay via Paypal:

Access to the  members only site will be reviewed and approved by the PE leadership. You will receive a confirmation email once access is granted to our member area.

If you would like to join and pay by mail, please select this option. You will fill out a registration form, and then send a check for $10.00 to:

The Perennial Exchange
6925 Wilson Road
Bloomington, IN 47403

Once your check is received, you will be given access to the member area. You will receive an email notification once access is provided.

If you are a current member needing access to the member area, select this option. You will be asked to fill out a registration form. Once your member status is verified, you will be given access to the member area. You will receive an email notification once access is provided.